Nexsure® Release 3.9.3 (04-07-17)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added checkbox at Invoice Setup for manually created and rebill invoices that will prevent user from posting if the condition exists where the commission is greater than the premium (F8403)
- Ability to export Home Marketing screen to Excel (F8578)
- Allow automatic sending of policies to history without using the expiration service automation campaigns (must have Productivity Plus) (F8597)
- Ability to retroactively send renewed or expired policies to history (must have Productivity Plus) (F7949)
- On Global Reassignment, have option to only reassign actions associated to the reassigned person changed. (Currently all actions for the client get reassigned to the new person) (F8502)
- Ability to move rejected email back to received (F8599)
- Add check boxes to received bucket so that emails may be rejected en masse (F8598)
- Updated Atlas General Coverage Codes (F8731)
- Updated Providence Mutual Coverage Codes (F8739)
- Updated Assurance America Coverage Codes (F8749)
- Updated Safeco Commercial Coverage Codes (F8752)
- Updated Safeco Personal Coverage Codes (F8753)
- Updated Augusta Mutual Coverage Codes (F8756)
- Updated Liberty Mutual CAUTO Coverage Codes (F8757)
- Updated Selective CAUTO Coverage Codes (F8698)
- Re-Issue Transaction Type downloads will create policies with a mode of Renew (F8612)
- Add eServices for Safepoint Insurance (F8708)
- Add eServices for Security First Insurance (F8697)
- Add eServices for Federated National (F8735)
- Add eServices for V3 Insurance Partners (F8765)
- Add eServices for Nationwide Private Client Group (F8764)
- Add eServices for Copperpoint Mutual (F8763)
- Improve mapping of BOP to Change Request form (F8604,D27336)
- Added overflow forms for ACORD 401 Locations/Premises Schedule and 402 Premises/Premises General Info (F8742)
- ACORD 404 Ag GL - Change Additional Interest section from single to many and allow for Units at Risk lookup (F8721)
- Add additional columns for Client Type, Contact Role, Title and Last Updated By to Client Contact XDR report (F8652)
- Add Premium columns to Expiration Mailing XDR report (F8636)
Resolved Issues
- Application fix for issue where unposted Invoices cannot be aborted (D27641)
- Optimized Reconciliation processing (D27701)
- Optimized Carrier Reconciliation Statement Entry (D27697)
- Servicing screen in modern view looks active when it is not active. Should be dimmed if user does not have specific rights (D27572)
- AutoOwners Vehicle Full Glass Coverage is not checking box on ACORD 127AZ (D26957)
- Auto owners deductibles for commercial vehicles are not populating vehicle schedule (D27101)
- Application fix for daily downloads getting stuck in processing and needing to be reset (D27512)
- Renewals are all exceptions when the policy number before the dash is the same as the prior term (D27538)
- If renewal exception rule is turned off in Setup, the download is not updating the prior term policy status to Renewed (D27556)
- Excel imports dropping characters on client name when client is created. Interface screen looks correct (D26421)
- K and K Insurance has updated their login page (D27669)
- PURE has updated their login page (D27670)
- Stillwater has updated login page (D27705)
- Kingsway eServices are stopping at the login page (D27668)
- Union Standard eServices are stopping at the login page (D27665)
- Assurant Specialty-FloodPro eServices stops at the login page (D27682)
- FirstComp/Markel has updated their login page (D27740)
- Change Request Overflow is not fully populating for CAUTO when there is a large vehicle schedule (D27451,D27119)
- Several attachments checkboxes for ACORD 125 missing from navigation tree (D27392)
- Issue with ACORD 27 when adding 2nd location where coverages show on summary but not in detail (D27476)
- Can't remove auto populated coverages from ACORD 27 (D26154)
- Update Florida DMV codes (D27557)
- ACORD 834 professional liability gives error when added to ACORD 25 certificate (D27283)
- Homeowners deductible not populating and location section mislabeled on binder (D27325)
- Changes to ACORD 401 Locations Schedule do not stick and cause error when submitting endorsement (D27680)
- ACORD 401 does not include ability to fill Producer Signature (D27655)
- Type of Farm or Ranch does not display options past Hobby/Gentleman Farm on Navigation Tree (D27653)
- Agency Bill commission income reconciliation is out of balance (D27096)
- Submission XDR is not returning fees if no annualized amount added to Annualized Fee on Policy Info tab (D27486)
- People Payable Non-Due not taking carrier reconciliation adjustment into account (D27730)
- Retail Agent Statement date filter not working properly (D27732)